Saturday, June 26, 2010

Obstacles in I.T. educational practice

First obstacle in i.t educational practice in this country is money..we don't have that much money to support our bill in paying for the internet..Second is,if there's no internet connection,we cant connect to one another especially when the exams are given and answered through the internet..There is less social contact..

Even if the student is earnest, the public image they start from does not assume it. Being attentive and asking a question in the physical space would be an assessment signal that one is serious about study, even if one is actually not. Assessment signals are features which are so costly to fake that they can be reliable indicators of another characteristic, and participants in online spaces are uniquely aware of these signals because they still have to pay for online services which are found in the internet shop because not all the students are able to buy a computer and pay for internet connection..
I find and I fill in tones and cues in messages from students to face-to-face courses, but cannot do the same to  online students because there is a better interaction when its said and done through speaking than in written text... Surely the public has picked up on the distinction between the channels. How do we assume that those learning completely online are getting enough exposure to the discourses they need in face-to-face settings? I really say that face-to-face settings is still the greatest thing but of course with exposure to technology like computer..
These are the things that I think are the obstacles in I.T. education practice..

Monday, June 21, 2010

In Malaysia, they were able to take action on the education system in which they plan to transform. They were able to make it on the first phase of implementation in 1999 with 90 schools. That thing made me impress a lot for I remember on that year that I don't even knew what computer was and what was in it. I was in the 3rd grade that time and on my proper state of mind but unfortunately, I was a computer illiterate compared to the children on Malaysia that time. I suppose that this year, I think the schools in  Malaysia have already more than that and they already have this what they call smart schools or they even stated on their ICT strategies that on this year 2010, they will transform all the schools into a smart school which I think that small percentage in this country only has..I can't even determine what are the smart schools in this country but this is really what I wanted to happen in this country and that the government should do in all government and non-government schools , to have an education system that are more updated and very competitive..

Australia, has been long known for its successful distance education programs to provide education to those who live in remote places in the outback..which i wanted to happen here in our country..although there are schools in the remote places here in the Philippines, I can really observe or even said in the news, that only few are going to high school for the reasons that the school is far, no money and that is really alarming because the level of education in the people in our country is decreasing..This is something that i wanted to happen in our give an eye on the underprivileged people living in the remote places..have them updated and give them online services..

In Hongkong,they have this 5 year strategy in information technology in the new era..and they were to be successful in their strategy..and that is something that I also wanted to happen in our country.. to have more of that strategy on education, to be able to have that strategy in information technology in the new era because as what I observe,some of the government offices are still on the manual process of issuing receipt and that makes political leaders really rich for there are undeclared finances because there are no records to prove, i mean strong records to really prove that there are transactions made..